Turn Evangelism
Turn Evangelism
An Exceptional Calling: Taste and See | 1 Peter 1:22-2:3
In this message, T. S. Myers covers two problems people find in a broken world. First, those who are not Christians seek to love in order to be loved, or they seek to do something in order to get a certain result or be a certain way. Second, Christians, in their salvation know that only God can save them but often times seek present victories without his strength. As T. S. Myers takes us through 1 Peter 1:22-2:3 he shows us that we love not to be loved but because we are born again of God's gospel - this answers the first problem. To answer the second problem, the problem for Christians, he explains that it's not enough to depend on God for our initial salvation in order to gain victory over sins in our lives, but we must continue to feed on Christ and his gospel in order to nourish us in our salvation. If this message touches your heart, let us know by going to www.turnevangelism.com/connect, and fill out the form at the bottom of the page. Also feel free to leave us a rating and review!