Turn Evangelism
T. S. Myers has a calling and passion for evangelism, teaching, preaching, and making disciples of Christ. He was called to be an evangelist at a young age and both he and his wife Kylie have a desire to make Christ’s name known. T. S. Myers studied Philosophy and Religion at Liberty University where he traveled and preached on YouthQuest. He received his MDiv and ThM from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC and is currently working on his PhD in Systematic Theology there as well. He has over 13 years of hands on ministry experience, 10 of which he worked directly with youth. In the last 6 years T. S. Myers has served as an ordained pastor. Throughout his ministry he has traveled and spoken at camps, revivals, DNows, in schools, and for pulpit supplies! He would love to pay you a visit as well! Be sure to book him so that he can come in and bless your church as well! In the meantime, hear the latest sermons by T. S. Myers and join us as we hear what God has put on his heart!
96 episodes
Identity Crisis: Test the Spirits | 1 John 4:1-6
When John says, "Test the spirits," what does he mean? In this message, pastor Thomas exposits 1 John 4:1-6, and teaches that John actually gives us two tests to see if the Origen of the message that a person presents to us is from God's spirit...
Season 13
Episode 11
Identity Crisis: Persuading Our Hearts in His Presence | 1 John 3:19-24
When we live like God wants, focused on the gospel and consequently, doing good to others, we can have even greater confidence that God will answer our prayers. But how can this be? Listen along as T. S. Myers exposits a difficult passage, 1 Jo...
Season 13
Episode 10
Identity Crisis: Love One Another | 1 John 3:11-18
Jesus calls us to love all people. But the mark of a Christian is supposed to be love for one another (that is, other believers). There is supposed to be something different about the believing community. In this sermon, T. S. Myers preaches th...
Season 13
Episode 9

Identity Crisis: Born Again - Born of God, By the Spirit, In the Son | 1 John 3:4-10
Does what you do determine who you are or does who you are influence what you do? Join us as T. S. Myers works through this question by exploring 1 John. Here he explains that Christians who truly ARE God's children because t...
Season 13
Episode 8
Identity Crisis: The Vision of God - How to Wait on God | 1 John 3:1-3
What you look to changes you. This is true whether you like it or not. And in the gospel of God, the first thing God does to change us is, reveal himself and his love in Jesus Christ. In this message, T. S. Myers exposits 1 John 3:1-3. Here, he...
Season 13
Episode 7
Identity Crisis: Those Who Left - Can You Lose Your Salvation? | 1 John 2:18-29
Can you lose your salvation? Does the Bible have anything to say on this topic? If you can't, then how do we make sense of those passages that require us to persevere to the end? Join us as T. S. Myers preaches through 1 John 2:18-29. Here we f...
Season 13
Episode 6
Identity Crisis: Letting Go of the World | 1 John 2:15-17
Do you have trouble letting go of the world? Perhaps you're looking at it wrong. When we get a genuine glimpse of heaven, letting go of the world becomes easier. In this sermon, T. S. Myers goes over 1 John 2:15-17 explaining that people who tr...
Season 13
Episode 5

Identity Crisis: Boundaries | 1 John 2:12-14
Do you know who you will be in 30 years? It is pretty hard to see that far ahead, but those who are true followers of Christ will still be His followers. Following Jesus for such a long time is hard, and along the way we will face temptation to...
Season 13
Episode 4
Identity Crisis: Fruits of Fellowship | 1 John 2:1-11
Do you know for sure that you know God? Well we can know that if we believe the gospel and are born again. But there are certain signs that accompany that salvation. Or, to uses Jesus' terminology in Matthew 7, there will be fruit that accompan...
Season 13
Episode 3
Identity Crisis: God is Light | 1 John 1:5-10
Did you know that fellowship with God has implications? This is because God is light. To be close to Him—to know Him—is to walk in His light. That means those who claim to walk with God but actually walk in darkness are lying. This is the...
Season 13
Episode 2
Identity Crisis: Jesus Walks into the Room | 1 John 1:1-5
Imagine a group of people were in a room and everyone was arguing about who God was but then, God himself walked into the room. Would you listen to those people if they told you this? Twothousand years ago, Jesus walked into the room, God becam...
Season 13
Episode 1
An Exceptional Calling: Grace and Peace for Sojourners | 1 Peter 5:12-13
Outward peace means nothing if we have inward turmoil. But we can go through anything if we have the peace of God in us. Listen along as T. S. Myers delivers his final sermon in this 16 sermon series through 1 Peter. In this sermon pastor Myers...
Season 12
Episode 16

An Exceptional Calling: The God of All Grace | 1 Peter 5:10-11
Knowing the extent to which God has gone to secure your salvation is a great comfort in the midst of suffering. The fact that God has chosen those who believe to persevere to the end should encourage us even when life gets hard. In this message...
Season 12
Episode 15

An Exceptional Calling: Spiritual Warfare | 1 Peter 5:8-9
Do you believe in spiritual warfare? If you do, do you live like it's real. In 1 Peter 5:8-9 we are called to be watchful, keeping our eyes on Jesus, because the devil is trying to devour people. Spiritual warfare is real and though the devil d...
Season 12
Episode 14

An Exceptional Calling: Humbly Trusting the God Who Cares | 1 Peter 5:4-7
It's hard to understand why Christians go through so much suffering. Sometimes we get faint glimpses as to why God allowed us to go through what we did but sometimes we don't. It can be tempting to wonder, does God care for me as a Christian? A...
Season 12
Episode 13

An Exceptional Calling: Leading God's Flock | 1 Peter 5:1-4
What is good Christian leadership? Notice, the question is not, What is good leadership but What is good Christian leadership? We are not called to lead like the world leads. One can lead like the world and grow a church into a mega church yet ...
Season 12
Episode 12

An Exceptional Calling: How to Understand Christian Suffering | 1 Peter 4:12-19
Why do we suffer as Christians when we try to do God's will? Have you ever thought of that question? In this message, T. S. Myers walks us through 1 Peter 4:12-19 and shows us that the Bible calls us to understand that not only is God perfectin...
Season 12
Episode 11

An Exceptional Calling: The End of All Things is Near | 1 Peter 4:7-11
The end is near and Peter wants us to live with this in mind. In this message, T. S. Myers exposits 1 Peter 4:7-11, explaining that Peter wants us to do three things in light of the fact that the end of all things is near. First, Peter calls us...
Season 12
Episode 10

An Exceptional Calling: Choosing Righteousness in a World of Challenges | 1 Peter 3:17-4:6
This week, we unearth the profound teachings of 1 Peter, examining the Christian call to live sanctified lives that reflect Christ’s character in our daily actions. Through our discussion, we aim to uncover how embodying God's holiness and resi...
Season 12
Episode 9

An Exceptional Calling: A Call to Bring Hope | 1 Peter 3:8-18
In this message T. S. Myers calls us to live out our calling in Christ, a calling to present the hope of the gospel to a lost a dying world? Here, he preaches through 1 Peter 3:8-18, teaching that we are called to display Christ's character, to...
Season 12
Episode 8

An Exceptional Calling: 3 Probing Questions | 1 Peter 2:18-3:7
In this message T. S. Myers asks 3 probing questions that center around the main question: Do you display Christ's likeness? As he preaches through 1 Peter, T. S. Myers talks about what it means to submit to the Lord wherever we are, we are cha...
Season 12
Episode 7

An Exceptional Calling: Christlikeness | 1 Peter 2:13-17
In this message T. S. Myers talks about where to get true freedom in Christ, freedom from vices and this world. He challenges with the thought that following Jesus is hard, that we do not live for ourselves, and that we are free in Christ becau...
Season 12
Episode 6

An Exceptional Calling: Living Sacrifices | 1 Peter 2:11-12
In this message T. S. Myers teaches that while we are here on this earth, we are called to live as sacrifices, understanding that we are living on time the that been paid for by the blood of Christ. He calls us to remember our hope when we wag...
Season 12
Episode 5

An Exceptional Calling: Living Stones | 1 Peter 2:4-10
In this message, T. S. preaches through 1 Peter 2:4-10 and goes over what it means for Christ to be our cornerstone and how we are to live as living stones fashioned after Christ. Pastor Myers goes over 3 "T's" to encourage believers as they l...
Season 12
Episode 4

An Exceptional Calling: Taste and See | 1 Peter 1:22-2:3
In this message, T. S. Myers covers two problems people find in a broken world. First, those who are not Christians seek to love in order to be loved, or they seek to do something in order to get a certain result or be a certain way. Second, Ch...
Season 12
Episode 3