Turn Evangelism

Identity Crisis: Test the Spirits | 1 John 4:1-6

T. S. Myers Season 13 Episode 11

When John says, "Test the spirits," what does he mean? In this message, pastor Thomas exposits 1 John 4:1-6, and teaches that John actually gives us two tests to see if the Origen of the message that a person presents to us is from God's spirit or from the spirit of the antichrist. The test, is twofold. First it is confessional/doctrinal - the person professing Christ must confess the right things about him - things in accord with what the apostles passed on and, second, the person speaking this message must be born of God and display his fruits. At the end of the message, T. S. Myers gives an illustration that he has used a number of times that he heard from Paul Washer many years ago. It is about someone who claims to have been hit by a logging truck but doesn't look like it. The point is, you can't come into contact with something as big as a logging truck and not show it. Likewise, if we truly come into contact with the God of the universe, we will show it, and if we don't, it proves we haven't known him. So, if we are born again, it will show in how we live and what group who we listen to. Consequently, we have a criterion for testing the spirits, one must believe the right things, what the apostles have passed on to us, and one must be born of God which will show in our fruits and who we listen to. If this message touches your heart, let us know by going to www.turnevangelism.com/connect, and fill out the form at the bottom of the page. Also feel free to leave us a rating and review!

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